Designers: This is a basic guide to preparing your files for proper full process printing
- File resolution at minimum of 300 DPI (dots per inch).
- Please use SEPARATE FILES for front and back, with “Front” and “Back” in the names.
- 1/16″ bleed. Space between all text from the edge of the design to allow room for cutting variation. File should be 1/16″ larger on all sides.
Example: Business cards will be 3.5″ x 2″ finished product, file should be 3.625″ x 2.125″. - CMYK color format (RGB work will be returned or a surcharge will be applied to the order. Printer is NOT responsible for color corrections or design errors in the color tones when converting RGB files to CMYK).
- Files must be saved as a Photoshop(.psd), .EPS or a flattened image fomat such as .TIF (no layers), JPG or .PNG.
- Mac or IBM format accepted.
- Att: If working in vector programs such as Freehand or Illustrator ALL fonts must be converted to Paths (outlines) before outputing to a generic EPS.
- If there is a fold or score required with the finished piece a “paper doll” is asked to accompany the file.
- If proofs are neccesary or exact color matching, Match Prints from film are available upon request and priced specifically to client’s needs.
- If designer prefers to incorporate printing information it should read: “Printing by”. This information will be added to design in a small unobvious font to the corner of the flyer if the designer chooses not to add text at his/her own taste. Exceptions for included printing information are business cards, post cards, brochures, invitations, and all other fitting work.
- Turnaround time: Run goes in every Tuesday, available in for pickup by end of Friday.
- Our default stock is 111# gloss. If you want a different stock, please ask us to quote it.
- Quotes do not include: shipping, design or corrective design time, folds, scores, specialty color inks (metallics), die cutting, embossing, foil stamping, additional assemblage, or match prints. Quotes are available if requested by client for: Stickers, posters, numbered tickets, screenprinted t-shirts, vinyl signs and banners.